2 site guards attacked, electric cables stolen

Eight Pakistani workers, who robbed Dh7 and Indian Rupees 200 from a guard at a construction site after stealing cables worth about Dh16,000, were sentenced to three years in jail each.

A driver, who was with them, received two years in prison.

The Dubai Criminal Court of First Instance ordered the convicts, aged between 20 and 35, to be deported after serving their jail terms.

According to the records, BK, 34, Indian watchman, reported that the accused attacked him and his co-guard and stole his wallet, which contained Dh7 and Indian Rupees 200, in addition to a Nokia mobile phone worth Dh300 and his friend’s bank card.

On April 27, at around 12.30am, some men entered the site and when BK asked them to leave, they attacked him and gagged his mouth and tied up his hands before robbing his belongings.

They headed to the mosque where the other watchman RM, 39, was sleeping and did the same to him.

The guards were kept under supervision of two attackers and the rest of the gang stole electric cables from the store.

A third Indian guard, KA, 36, who was assigned to observe another gate of the site, did not learn about the attack and robbery until it was over.

KA heard faint screams coming from the other gate so he went there, saw his co-guard on the ground and he released him. Later, he heard a voice coming from the mosque. He went there and released his co-worker.

Police reached MK, owner of the pickup which was used in the theft, and arrested him in Naif area.

MK admitted that his friend ‘F’ has asked him to transport men to a construction site. On way to the location, he heard the men talking about stealing electricity cables.

“Near the site, I saw other men waiting. All the men, in addition to the other two whom I picked from Naif, entered the site while I was waiting outside. After they finished, they loaded the cables in my pickup before leaving the place. After dropping my friend and his companion in Naif, he promised to give me some money for my service but he did not,” MK told investigators.

However, after all the gang members were arrested, they all said the driver had loaded cables with them in his pick up and that he was the one who sold the stolen items.

Some of the accused admitted to being paid Dh4,500 and others Dh2,500 from the theft.

The accused also faced charges of illegal confinement and assault.


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