A 29-year-old Egyptian book salesman is on trial in Dubai, accused of sexually harassing a 14-year-old boy. (Supplied)

Bookshop vendor gropes 14-year old boy

A 29-year-old Egyptian book salesman is on trial in Dubai, accused of sexually harassing a 14-year-old boy.

The Al Qusais Police Station received a complaint from the victim’s father that a salesman of a bookshop near his house had groped and behaved indecently with his son.

Police investigation showed that the boy used to come to the bookshop occasionally. On the day of the crime, the book salesman is alleged to have held the boy’s hand and put it on his private parts and tried to force him to sit on his legs. Refusing to do this, the boy fled the book shop and informed his father who called the police.

Police said the accused has confessed to his crime.

The boy told police that, during his visits to the bookshop, the accused used to run Egyptian films and ask him to watch movies with scenes of women dancers.

The criminal court case was postponed to January 18 due to absence of the accused.

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