Jailed maid aborts baby at police station

An Ethiopian housemaid aborted her baby at a police station in Kuwait after she was locked up on charges of getting pregnant through an illicit relationship.

Police women rushed to the maid inside the station’s bathroom after they heard her screams during abortion, the Arabic language daily Al Watan said.

“She tried to cover for her crime by aborting herself inside the bathroom at the police station in Salimiya area,” it said.

Maid kills private driver in Saudi          

An African housemaid killed a private Asian driver working for the same employer in Saudi Arabia by stabbing him many times during a fight.

Police in the eastern town of Dammam said the driver, in his 30s, was rushed to hospital but died of his wounds before arrival.

“There was an argument which developed into a fight at their employer’s house. The maid used a kitchen knife to stab the driver in various parts of his body,” Okaz daily said, quoting police spokesman Colonel Ziad Al Rugaiti.

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