Three months jail for kidnap attempt

A worker who attempted to kidnap a woman and threatened to kill her has been sentenced to three months in jail followed by deportation by the Dubai Criminal of First Instance.

According to the records, AV, 19, an Indian investor, noticed a man near her residential building but chose to ignore him.

She said, “As I entered the building, I was shocked as someone from behind put his hand around my waist and tried to pull me back. I screamed for help, but he gagged my mouth with one hand and with the other around my neck, dragged me out of the building.

As they stepped outside the building, she missed a step and tripped. He fell with her.

The accused got scared of the pedestrians and stood up. “Before leaving the place, he gestured to shut my mouth and threatened to kill me. I rushed into the building and got into my flat,” the victim told investigators.

It was the same man, she said, who had been standing near the building.

Police arrested ZA, 27, a Bangladeshi worker and the victim recognized him.

Police have also found the victim's pictures in the mobile phone of the accused. He admitted taking her pictures to send them to his parents.

Medical records showed the victim sustained bruises on her lower back.

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