Counterfeit dirham, dollar and rupee notes worth millions seized

Police in Pakistan on Thursday arrested seven people and seized a huge amount of fake currency including US dollars and UAE dirhams during a raid on a factory in the eastern city of Lahore.

The fake currency, which also included Pakistani rupee, was worth millions of US dollars, Umar Virk, senior police official in Lahore told AFP.

"Immediately it is difficult to estimate the exact amount because it is huge quantity of fake currency," Virk said.

Lahore police recovered machines, equipment, chemicals and a large amount of other material used to print fake currency. Officers had been searching for the facility for some time and had recently raided a number of houses, Virk said.

Pakistani police and the country's Federal Investigation Agency have arrested dozens of criminal gangs involved in the production of fake currency in the past but the recovery of such a huge quantity of local and foreign currency is rare.

Virk said further investigations were underway and police were questioning gang members with a view to arresting "other members of the group".


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