TNT Post wants to become market leader in the full e-commerce chain TNT statement. (REUTERS)

TNT Post buys Dutch e-retail company Kowin

TNT Post says it is implementing its e-commerce strategy in the field of online shopping by acquiring the e-retail specialist Kowin.

Parties have, however, agreed not to disclose the financial details of the transaction. A company statement yesterday said the acquisition is in line with TNT's Vision 2015 strategy as announced on December 3, 2009.

"TNT Post wants to become market leader in the full e-commerce chain. This starts with offering companies know how and data in the field of online marketing and e-retail, for example how to draw online customers to a web shop. The chain continues with managing and facilitating web shops and online payment, e-fulfillment, the physical delivery and customer service after delivery," the statement said.

Kowin is a Dutch e-commerce solution provider with know how in the field of online shopping. According to TNT, Kowin has gained "valuable expertise in how to draw online customers to a web shop, how to effectively sell a product and how to organise the after sale service, for example with regards to return shipments".

"The expertise will enable TNT Post to develop the required capabilities for the entire e-commerce chain faster and to quickly expand its offering to new industries and markets. On top of this, Kowin will support TNT Post's current successful on line retail initiatives under the label of Sjopze," the statement said.


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