Indian Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu talks during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi fim "Aatma" in Ahmedabad on March 15, 2013. (AFP)

Bipasha Basu - the horror queen of Bollywood

There was 'Raaz', 'Raaz 3' and now 'Atmaa'. It looks like Bipasha Bapu has a special genre after all: the horror one. "I think with 'Atmaa' I have developed a special love for horror films. I guess we as actors start liking the genre we start doing."

Having done many bold characters Bips says it was not a planned journey.

"In fact I did not even plan acting. Whatever I have done in my short span of life I think I have just managed by following my gut. I became an actor by chance. I have had an amazing journey with all the highs and lows of my filmy as well as my personal career.

"All my experience has taken me towards being a better actor as well as a better human being. In true terms I have evolved hell of a lot."

She says there's a dearth of good roles for women in the industry.

"In Hollywood roles are specifically written for their heroines but here even if it is a contemporary 100 crs film of Vidya I feel they are not written well. I see so many women above 40 attending the Oscars. If the Golden Globe has space for women above 40, we here can do much more.”

Refreshing her earlier days she adds, "I remember when I newly entered the Bollywood horizon I was not allowed to disclose my relationship with my boyfriend. This is ridiculous. Also married heroines in the seventies were seen with disregard. Now they too find acceptance. We do not get good roles to showcase our talent. Being in the industry for more than 12 years I have looked pretty and have done it all.”

Not blaming the society she says, "While films are made based on reality I do not agree that films bring in much of a change in the society."

Talking further about a man woman relationship she says one does not need to carry forward a dysfunctional kind of a relationship. "Even women need to go in for a change rather carrying on with an abusive relationship.”

Sharing her experience working with director Suparn Gosh she says, "It was really fun watching him enact like Bipasha…we would burst out laughing but he would continue behaving like me. He is a chilled out director. I would keep troubling him by saying what instrument will scare me now…and he would go on saying…I have yet to decide whether it is a knife or an axe…..also working with this little girl was like knowing the behaviour of kids. She would have the guts to ask the director when we will pack up …also she would just say I am sleepy and go away to sleep…I would have to wait for her. Kids are really so cute they simply tell what they have in mind. I bonded with her the most. As she would eat with me and keep hanging with me all the time."

Lastly all praises for Nawaz she says, "He is a methodical actor while I work spontaneously. But both have the same sense of enacting scene. For us the first three takes would be it. It was really great to work with him. Undoubtedly he is a brilliant actor. I and Suparna would keep foiling all the time and this poor guy just smiled and kept looking at us…enjoying our gimmicks!!” concludes Bipasha.

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