Gigi Hadid would 'rather die' than go to the gym

The 24-year-old model stays in shape by cycling and swimming outdoors, but has said she'd never opt for running on a treadmill over taking a hike, because she hates the confined walls of a gym.

She told Conde Nast Traveller: "I just can't go to the gym and run - I'd rather die. I grew up outdoors, so my favourite thing to do is to make the most of the scenery. I cycle everywhere and swim in the sea at any spare moment."

Although she doesn't enjoy treadmills, Gigi does occasionally go to a specific boxing gym named Gotham Gym, and in 2016 she admitted she loved the gym's low-key atmosphere.

She said at the time: "When I walk in [to Gotham Gym], it's like my big brothers. They don't care about me as model or what my body looks like. They care that I give a good punch, and that's how I want to be judged in my athletic space, because that's what I find pride in."

The beauty has an active lifestyle, and takes part in a variety of different sports.

She explained: "I was a volleyball player for 12 years, I rode horses my whole life and now I box every day."

Meanwhile, Gigi was recently slammed for stepping outside wearing a simple outfit comprised of black leggings, white shoes and a puffer jacket, with some users blaming her stylist Mimi Cuttrell.

And the model hit back, insisting she wasn't looking for anyone's approval and was dressed casually because she was running errands and doesn't feel the need to look sexy.

She tweeted: "U guys need to calm tf down sometimes. It's called stepping out to do one errand- not dressing for your approval. Your unrealistic expectations & petty complaining all the time about my style or not being sexy enough isn't going to make me dress differently.

"Not just talking about this specific moment. U all talk about empowering women. I support and empower women that show skin and that don't. It's about choice. I show skin when I want to and still feel sexy covered head to toe & will continue to do so. Over the snarky comments."

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