The series follows the adventures of a lively 12-year-old girl, 'Dunia', who uses her secret martial art skills to fight injustice as well as enlighten and reinforce positive social behaviour with her peers. (Supplied)

Meet Arabia's first teen female superhero - 'Dunia'

Icflix, the Middle East and North Africa's leading online streaming service has commissioned, a new and original children's action-comedy animated series, titled 'Dunia'.

The first season will consist of 10 episodes and will premiere globally on Icflix this December.
'Dunia', Arabia's first teen female superhero, is mainly targeted at children aged twelve and below, but will also appeal to older teenagers and adults alike.

The series follows the adventures of a lively 12-year-old girl, 'Dunia', who uses her secret martial art skills to fight injustice as well as enlighten and reinforce positive social behaviour with her peers. 

"The series aims not only to entertain but also educate children with important social messages," said Fadi Mehio, Co-Founder and Chairman, Icflix.

"Dunia will have the potential to become a positive role model for children across the Arab world, sending out strong messages of awareness to children and adults alike."
Although the series has been produced in Arabic, 'Dunia' will also be available in English and French making it accessible to a wider audience.

Icflix is currently in the process of finalising five additional animated original productions to add to its growing library of kids' entertainment.
In 2014, Icflix launched the first dedicated kids application, icflix kids, available across all Android devices making it easy for children to watch their favourite shows at home or on-the-go.

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