Indian bollywood film actress Deepika Padukone (R) and one of the judges to pick the Kingfisher Calendar Girl 2011 and Siddarth Mallya, son of businessman Vijay Mallya of the UB Group attend the photo-shoot with the finalists in Mumbai. (AFP)

Post break-up, Deepika puts house on sale

It was last year in September 30 when Deepika Padukone threw a house warming party. The mover and shakers of Bollywood descended to her new home in Mumbai's posh area.

But post her break-up with Siddharth Mallya it looks like Deepika doesn't want to look back. She is all set to move ahead and sell this grand three-bedroom house.

Click here to see Deepika kiss Siddharth

At the time of purchasing the house some reports also speculated that it might be a gift from Siddharth. But that was not the case. It was Deepika's hard earned money and her father Prakash Padukone was always there to help her out with the legal formalities.

It was during that period when Deepika and Siddharth were going quite strong in their relationship. Possibly for that reason Deepika can't bear to live with the past memories.

Click here to know about Deepika's house warming party

Deepika and Siddharth's split early this year but the two remained silent about their break-up and never went public about it.

After this split Deepika is looking out for someone who can buy her flat.

In fact, a couple of real estate professionals are wooing prospective buyers saying the house has been done up as per the actress’ wish and every aspect of the plush interiors have her personal touch.

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