Brazilian mother gives birth to giant baby measuring 2ft tall and weighing 7.3kg

Brazilian mother Cleidiane Santos dos Santos gave birth to her baby, Angerson Santos, weighing 7.3 kg and 59 cm long (about 2ft), in a caesarean section at Padre Colombo Hospital, Amazonas State.

Santos was in the hospital for a routine consultation, but doctors realized the fetus was too big for her to carry to full term.

Doctors said the mother and baby are healthy and that Angerson, who is being kept in an incubator, is in stable condition and is the heaviest baby ever born in Amazonas.

The child set a new record in the state, which recorded a giant child in 2011 weighing 5.8 kilograms.

The normal weight of children at birth ranges between 2.5 to 4 kilograms.

Angerson did not reach the record set by the baby Adimilton, who was born in 2005 at 8 kg, with a difference of 700 grams and was born by caesarean section in Salvador in northeastern Brazil.

Doctors said his size was likely related to his mother's diabetic condition.

Anna Bates, the tallest woman in the world, gave birth to the largest newborn documented in history in Italy in 1955, which weighed 10.6 kilograms at birth, was 71 centimeters long, lived only 11 hours, and then died.

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