Sonakshi Sinha walks the ramp during a fashion show organised by the Indian ethnic fashion garment house 'Rajguru Rise,' in Bangalore. (AFP)
Sonakshi Sinha walks the ramp during a fashion show organised by the Indian ethnic fashion garment house 'Rajguru Rise,' in Bangalore. Sonakshi Sinha is also the brand ambassador of 'Rajguru Rise' a fashion house which was started in Mumbai in 1996 for ethnic garments and has now spread all over India & globally. (AFP)
Sonakshi Sinha (AFP)
Indian models draped in sarees walk the ramp during a fashion show organised by the Indian ethnic fashion garment house 'Rajguru Rise,' in Bangalore. (AFP)
Sonakshi Sinha (AFP)
Sonakshi Sinha (AFP)