The accused is ordered to pay a fine of Dh35,000, equal to the bribe (GETTY IMAGES)

Ex-etisalat staff jailed for selling unique numbers

A former etisalat employee, IR, Palestinian, who attempted to sell distinctive telephone numbers – including some belonging to ruling family members – in return for a bribe was sentenced yesterday to six months in prison.

The Abu Dhabi Criminal COurt of First Instance also ordered to pay a fine equal to the bribe - Dh35,000, reported 'The National'.

MS, a Yemeni who paid the bribe, was also sentenced to six months in prison.

Both will be deported after serving their sentences.

Defence lawyers claimed the case was not serious because etisalat would have discovered the crime when the original holders of the numbers contacted them.

Some of the numbers IR offered to MS belonged to members of the ruling families of Ajman and Ras Al Khaimah.

IR admitted providing MS with the numbers, but said he reported the matter when he realised it was a serious offence.

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