FANR’s Board of Management approves issuance of fresh fuel handling and storage license at Unit 4.

The Board of Management of the UAE’s Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) has recently convened and was briefed on the latest progress of the four units of Barakah Nuclear Power Plant. It learned about the current status of FANR’s regulatory oversight on the commercial operations of Units 1 and 2, the different tests which are being conducted for Unit 3 to prepare it for the commercial operation. Moreover, FANR is currently reviewing the Operating License Application for the Unit 4.

Furthermore, the Board of Management approved the issuance of a license to Nawah Energy company for the conduct of certain regulated activities at the Unit 4 of Barakah Nuclear Power Plant. The license authorizes the operator to handle and store the fresh fuel at the unit. The approval follows FANR’s assessments and inspections to ensure that the license application met the regulator’s stringent safety, security and safeguards requirements.

On another note, members of the Board approved the issuance of FANR’s Orphan Sources Strategy. The strategy requires FANR and members of the Radiation Protection Committee to develop a generic Action Plan to establish governance by setting roles and responsibilities in this regard within the committee and build capability to detect, search and recover orphan sources. The strategy also includes a component on awareness in which it details activities various stakeholders to raise awareness among the public and facilities on possible situations that might involve radioactive sources outside regulatory control.

About FANR:

The Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR), set up in 2009, is the regulatory body for the nuclear sector in the United Arab Emirates. FANR regulates all nuclear activities and licenses the use of radioactive sources in the UAE. This includes regulating not only the design, siting, construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants in the country but also includes regulating radioactive material and radiation sources. FANR controls nuclear safety, security, radiation protection and safeguards, and is committed to enforcing the global accords entered into by the UAE. Learn more at


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