Redback spiders keep rescue staff away from office
The spread of Redback spiders in a newly inaugurated rescue and ambulance department in Ras Al Khaimah has spread fears among many officers and staff, and stopped them from going to the office.
One of the rescue officers who spoke to Emirates 24|7 said that the building was built and ready more than one year ago. However, they moved to the new building only three months ago.
“When we reached the office, we found six redback spiders in the office. We found more than two in the sleeping area. It made us worried as these spiders are poisonous, and it can lead to serious symptoms and may lead to death.”
He pointed out that they are currently performing their duty from the old offices, until the management assigns a specialized pest control company to spray the area and kill these dangerous spiders.
“We don’t want to move to the new office until they bring a specialized company to spray the area or solve this problem. We can’t put ourselves in the risk of getting bitten by these poisonous spiders.”
He added that many others did not go the office as they fear being bitten by the spiders. “However, we never stopped performing out duties fully.”
Facts about Redback spiders: Redback spider is one of the few spiders that can be seriously harmful to humans. The person who gets bitten by it starts by getting severe pain around the bitten area and then the condition gets worse by many symptoms such as nausea, headache, vomiting, agitation and in many cases death.