Indians to consume more data by 2022: Study

Data consumption in India will grow from the level of 71,67,103 million MB in 2017 to 10,96,58,793 million MB in 2022 growing at a compound annual growth rate, CAGR, of about 72.6 percent, the Asian News International, ANI, quoted a joint study conducted by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, ASSOCHAM, and Pricewaterhouse Coopers, PwC, as saying.

With lower than ever data tariffs and an increasing number of smartphone penetration in the country, which is around 40 percent as of 2017, it is safe to assume that the Video on Demand market will be a significant beneficiary of these developments, according to the study.

"Internet consumption is clearly on the rise in India. While the average Indian used to spend more on voice services than on mobile data services until 2013, the majority of an average mobile bill is now spent on data," it said.

According to the report, the average monthly spend on voice services in 2013 was Rs 214 compared to Rs 173 spent on data. In 2016, the spend on voice fell to Rs 124, while data spend rose to Rs 225.

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