Jaleel White, 14, star of the ABC-TV comedy series "Family Matters," shows off the official Steve Urkel doll, his character on the programme. (AP)

Don't get urkeled! Pull up your pants!

The iconic and lovable nerd Steve Urkel has become a role model for a Frayser, Tenn. middle school. Westside Principal Bobby White has instituted a programme to literally pull up the pants of his students, appropriately called “getting Urkeled.” 

Teachers carry plastic zip ties through the halls, used for cinching up any offending saggy pants students. 

Saggy pants, a fashion that has be seen in some rap videos, is something Principal White just will not let slide. Bulletin boards display photos of students who have gotten “Urkeled” and the number of kids breaking the dress code has dropped significantly. 

Principal White says this is all to guide his students to look their best and to think more about pride, passion and professionalism - not to mention have a little fun in the process.


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