Dubai Cricket Council officials with Shyam Bhatia (right) during the draw for the Inter Academy Under 16 tournament. (Supplied)

Eight teams for Shyam Bhatia Inter Academy U-16 cricket

Practice makes a man perfect but playing matches can make you a complete player according to Shyam Bhatia at the draw ceremony of the 4th Shyam Bhatia Cricket for Care U-16 Inter Academy Tournament.

Eight teams Inter Academy will clash from this month on weekdays and weekends it was announced at the draws and press conference held at the Shyam Bhatia Cricket Museum.

The tournament is being conducted and organized the Dubai Cricket Council and will be played at the Fairground of the Dubai Men’s College on turf wickets in coloured clothing.

G Force Cricket Academy will be defending their title in the 25-over tournament.

Taking them on in Group B will be GM Cricket Academy, Kricket’s Spero Academy and Sharjah Cricket Academy.

Desert Cubs Academy, Zayed Cricket Academy, ICC Academy and Max Talent Global Sports will clash in Group A.

A Fairplay award will be presented to the best disciplined team it was announced by Shyam Bhatia at the conference.

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