Aishwarya Rai's Robot act in Endhiran Endhiran features South Indian actor Rajinikanth in a dual role as a robot and a scientist. It has been produced at a cost of Rs1.9bn or Dh150.38m, making it the most expensive Indian film ever made. (SUPPLIED) The film, a trilingual Tamil, Hindi and Telugu movie directed by S Shankar, is currently being made on the highest-ever film budget in Indian cinema (Rs1.9bn or Dh150.38m) and is also confirmed to see the largest release to cinemas in the world. (SUPPLIED) Endhiran - or The Robot - has been in production for two years and is set to be released on September 10 around the world, and September 9 in the UAE. (FILE) Lead actors Aishwarya Rai and Ranjnikanth at the audio launch of "Endhiran" (The Robot) at Putrajaya International Convention Centre outside Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on Friday. (REUTERS) Endhiran - or The Robot - has been shot on location in Peru, at the pre-Colombian Inca site Machu Pichu, in Brazil, in the United States and in various parts of India, including Goa and Himachal Pradesh. (SUPPLIED) Oscar-winner AR Rahman has composed Endhiran's background score and soundtrack. The audio is now available in stores across the UAE. (SUPPLIED) Several actresses were approached to play the lead, including Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Asin Thottumkal, Trisha Krishnan and Nayanthara. However, in January 2008, Aishwarya Rai was named the film's lead actress at a salary of Rs60 million (Dh4.7m), making her India's highest-paid actress. (SUPPLIED) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest