An amazing full face transplant In this undated combo photo released by Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Oscar, a man who underwent a full-face transplant in April appears before, left, and after, right, the surgery. (AP) Oscar attends a press conference after undergoing a face transplant at Vall d'Hebron hospital. After losing his face in an accident, he has been given a new nose, skin, jaws, cheekbones, teeth and other features. (AFP) Thirty-one-year-old Oscar, right, who underwent the world’s first full-face transplant in April, thanked the medical team and the family of the donor, speaking with considerable difficulty just before checking out of hospital. (AP) Oscar, the world's first full face transplant recipient, with medical staff at the Vall d'Hebron hospital in Barcelona. “Bit by bit he is improving but he nonetheless has a long and difficult road ahead to have intelligible speech like he had before,” Dr Barret said. (GETTY IMAGES) A 30-member medical team led by the Spanish doctor Joan Barret, right, carried out the world’s first full-face transplant on Oscar at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona. Oscar was injured in a shooting accident five years ago. (AP) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest