Bollywood round-up Indian Bollywood film director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, (L) singer Shreya Ghoshal (C) and singer Sonu Nigam, judges for the The X Factor, the television music talent show contested by aspiring pop singers, pose on the set in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood film actors Gulashan Grover (R) and Shweta Bhardwaj attend the promotional event for the Hindi film 'Bin Bilaye Baraati' in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan attends the 162nd Prix de Diane horse racing, in Chantilly, north of Paris. (AFP) Indian Bollywood actor Salman Khan poses during a promotional event for the Hindi film "Chillar Party" in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood film director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, (L) singer Shreya Ghoshal (C) and singer Sonu Nigam, judges for the The X Factor, the television music talent show contested by aspiring pop singers, pose on the set in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood film actors Rajpal Yadav, (L), Shweta Bhardwaj (C) and Gulashan Grover attend the promotional event for the Hindi film 'Bin Bilaye Baraati' in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood film actress Malaika Arora Khan smiles during a Taiwan Excellent Lifestyles launch in New Delhi. Taiwan unveiled 24 items for the Indian market including camera, notebook, mobile and digital pens. (AFP) Indian Bollywood film actor Amitabh Bachchan attends the first screening of upcoming Hindi film 'Aarakshan' in Mumbai on June 9, 2011. (AFP) Indian Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan attends the 162nd Prix de Diane horse racing, in Chantilly, north of Paris. Golden Lilac won the French Oaks (Prix de Diane) here today to complete a classic double having won the French 1000 Guineas last May. (AFP) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest