Charles and Camilla attacked Prince Charles and his wife Camilla react after their car was spattered with paint by protesters while they were on their way to a public engagement in London on Thursday night. They were caught up in London's worst riots in years as students protested a controversial fee increase that divided the UK's coalition government. (AP) Prince Charles and his wife Camilla react after the attack. They couple were unhurt although they were clearly alarmed. Police have promised a full investigation (AP) The Rolls Royce had its window smashed and it was covered in paint. "Some of the demonstrators were carrying petrol, specifically to use in arson attacks. If the can of paint had been a can of petrol, it would have been very different," former police officer Charles Shoebridge told media (EPA) The attack occurred on Regent Street in Central London. Several government buildings around Parliament Square were defaced and vandalised (AP) Putting on a brave front: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall are greeted after the attack on their car on Thursday night (GETTY) Riot police are attacked by flares as they engage with the student protesters. Thirty-four people were arrested and at least 43 protesters and 12 police officers were injured during the fierce clashes outside parliament (AFP) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest