3.13 AM Wednesday, 19 March 2025
  • City Fajr Shuruq Duhr Asr Magrib Isha
  • Dubai 05:07 06:20 12:29 15:54 18:33 19:47
19 March 2025

Inspirations from the emirates


By Keith J Fernandez
Mohammed Azimuddin believes growing up in the UAE has inspired his art.

"I have lived here nearly all my life and seen cosmopolitan cities rise from the sands in almost the same way my brother Minhaj creates developments with his SimCity game," he adds.

The results – mostly digital art – span the creative spectrum, and from poetry to digital art and photography, he says he's inspired by the country's sands, seas and heritage.

All this month, in collaboration with the website Dubai Lime, his work is on show at various locations around the city. At Central Perk Cafe (04 394 8081) in Jumeirah this week is a photo travelogue on the UAE and Azimuddin's home country city of Hyderabad, while next week will see a visual rendition of poetry and literature on display at Central Perk Cafe (04 288 0486) in Mirdiff.

While digital art has its detractors, Azimuddin is defensive about the genre he has chosen to work in.

"Not having to stretch canvas, wash brushes and wait for paint to dry may deny digital artists the pleasure or labour involved in creating an art work, but the time saved this way is used to experiment and spawn new variations," he says.