India strike cost Rs13k crore A broken windshield of a bus is seen during a nationwide strike in protest of fuel price hikes in Mumbai. Police came out in force in cities across India for an opposition-led national strike over fuel price rises that disrupted flights and train services, and closed schools and businesses. The strike was called by the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and leftist parties in a concerted show of strength against the Congress-led government's reform programme. (AFP) Onlookers watch as Railway Protection Force officials (in khaki uniform) guard a passing goods train at the Maninagar railway crossing during a nationwide strike in Ahmedabad. An opposition-led strike over fuel price rises disrupted life across India, triggering transport mayhem and sporadic violence in major cities where schools and businesses closed down. (AFP) A goods truck driver (L) reacts as a rioter smashes the windshield of his vehicle during a nationwide strike in Ahmedabad. An opposition-led strike over fuel price rises disrupted life across India, triggering transport mayhem and sporadic violence in major cities where schools and businesses closed down. (AFP) Stranded travellers wait on a platform bridge at the NJP railway station during a strike in Siliguri. An opposition-led strike over fuel price rises disrupted life across India, triggering transport mayhem and sporadic violence in major cities where schools and businesses closed down. (AFP) Police arrest an activist of the opposition Communist Party of India (Marxist) during a strike against the hike in fuel prices in New Delhi. Many flights were cancelled and trucks stayed off the roads in India on Monday in response to a day-long strike called by opposition parties to protest fuel price hikes they say will add to double-digit inflation. (REUTERS) An Indian activist of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M) lies on the road to block traffic during a nationwide strike in protest of fuel price hikes in New Delhi. Police came out in force in cities across India for an opposition-led national strike over fuel price rises that disrupted flights and train services, and closed schools and businesses. The strike was called by the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and leftist parties in a concerted show of strength against the Congress-led government's reform programme. (AFP) India's opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National President Nitin Gadkari (C), standing with other party members, addresses a demonstration at Chandni Chowk in New Delhi. An opposition-led strike over fuel price rises disrupted life across India, triggering transport mayhem and sporadic violence in major cities where schools and businesses closed down. (AFP) Indian activists of Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M) hold placards as they block traffic during a nationwide strike in protest of fuel price hikes in New Delhi. Police came out in force in cities across India for an opposition-led national strike over fuel price rises that disrupted flights and train services, and closed schools and businesses. The strike was called by the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and leftist parties in a concerted show of strength against the Congress-led government's reform programme. (AFP) Indian activists of Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M) scuffle with city police during a nationwide strike in protest of fuel price hikes in New Delhi. Police came out in force in cities across India for an opposition-led national strike over fuel price rises that disrupted flights and train services, and closed schools and businesses. The strike was called by the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and leftist parties in a concerted show of strength against the Congress-led government's reform programme. (AFP) Delhi Police officials stand guard during a nationwide strike in protest of fuel price hikes in New Delhi. Police came out in force in cities across India for an opposition-led national strike over fuel price rises that disrupted flights and train services, and closed schools and businesses. The strike was called by the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and leftist parties in a concerted show of strength against the Congress-led government's reform programme. (AFP) Lawyers shout slogans as they burn an effigy of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during a strike in the northern Indian city of Allahabad. Many flights were cancelled and trucks stayed off the roads in India in response to a day-long strike called by opposition parties to protest fuel price hikes they say will add to double-digit inflation. (REUTERS) Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M) supporters shout slogans as they drive an autorickshaw with an effigy representing the national government tied to its window screen during a nationwide strike in protest of fuel price hikes in Amritsar. Police came out in force in cities across India for an opposition-led national strike over fuel price rises that disrupted flights and train services, and closed schools and businesses. The strike was called by the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and leftist parties in a concerted show. (AFP) Kashmiri protesters throw stones towards Indian police during a protest in downtown Srinagar against the death of Wamiq Farooq. Thousands of Hindu pilgrims are trekking along slippery trails to reach a shrine high in the mountains of Indian Kashmir, despite violent protests in the Muslim-majority region. (AFP) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest