iPad knockoffs Website www.digitalone.com<http://www.digitalone.com/> reports that iPad knockoffs were showcased at a tech exhibition in Shenzhou, China. This, the first such device released into the Chinese market, appears to run on a Windows OS. (PHOTO CREDIT INTERNET) This device was priced at $142 when showcased at a recent tech fair.(PHOTO CREDIT INTERNET) This iPad clone is called an Epad.(PHOTO CREDIT INTERNET) Compared to the real version, this iPed costs $150 compared to the original iPad at $760.(PHOTO CREDIT INTERNET) This model, called an APad, weighs a mere 320 grams.(PHOTO CREDIT INTERNET) This Chinese rip-off closely resembles the original iPad's exterior design but runs on an Android platform.(PHOTO CREDIT INTERNET) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest