Bollywood remembers Shammi Kapoor An era has come to end with Shammi Kapoor's demise today. He was best known for Tumsa Nahin Dekha, Dil Deke Dekho, Junglee, Dil Tera Diwana, Professor, China Town, Rajkumar, Kashmir Ki Kali, Janwar, Teesri Manzil and An Evening in Paris. Bollywood fraternity pays tribute to the veteran actor on Twitter. Amitabh Bachchan tweeted: Shammi ji ... An entire life full of optimism and happy spirit, caring loving to all ... Now suddenly silent Karan Johar: One of finest and strongest men I knew...we will truly miss you shammi uncle....RIP.... (AFP) Priyanka Chopra: Sometimes no amount of kind words can compensate for a loss! bhole baba ki jai shammi maharajji.. he was our at a loss.. Farhan Akhtar: "Mr. Shammi Kapoor. Never before - Never again. Thank you for the wonderful cinematic memories and life lessons. RIP." (REUTERS) Deepika Padukone: He was an inspiration not just for his style and the films he did, but also his attitude towards life...we will miss you Shammi uncle...#RIP (AFP) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest