Nine die as Indian bus driver goes on rampage Onlookers and rescue workers gather around a damaged bus and other vehicles at an accident site in Pune, about 190km (118 miles) from Mumbai. A government bus driver sped through the streets of the city on Wednesday smashing the empty bus into dozens of vehicles, killing nine people and injuring 27, police said. (REUTERS) Onlookers gather around a damaged car at an accident site in Pune, about 190km (118 miles) from Mumbai. A government bus driver sped through the streets of the city on Wednesday smashing his empty bus into dozens of vehicles, killing nine people and injuring 27, police said. (REUTERS) People walk past a damaged auto rickshaw at an accident site in Pune, about 190km (118 miles) from Mumbai. A government bus driver sped through the streets of the city on Wednesday smashing his empty bus into dozens of vehicles, killing nine people and injuring 27, police said. (REUTERS) Wreckage of an auto rickshaw and car after nine people were killed and 27 injured when a bus driver went on a rampage in the western Indian city of Pune, Maharastra on 25 January 2012 ramming vehicles and hitting pedestrians. At least 40 vehicles were damaged. The 27 injured have been admitted to three hospitals in the city. Police and locals gather near the accident site where nine people were killed and 27 injured when a bus driver went on a rampage in the western Indian city of Pune, Maharastra, 25 January 2012 ramming vehicles and hitting pedestrians. At least 40 vehicles were damaged. The 27 injured have been admitted to three hospitals in the city. Wreckage of an auto rickshaw after nine people were killed and 27 injured when a bus driver went on a rampage in the western Indian city of Pune, Maharastra on 25 January 2012 ramming vehicles and hitting pedestrians. The 27 injured have been admitted to three hospitals in the city. Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest