Priyanka and Ranbir promote 'Anjaana Anjaani' Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra (L), and actor Ranbir Kapoor wave during a promotional event of their upcoming film 'Anjaana Anjaani' in Mumbai, India. The movie is scheduled to be released in Indian cinemas on 01 October 2010. (EPA) Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor promote their film 'Anjaana Anjaani' in Mumbai, India. The movie releases across the UAE on Thursday, September 30 (EPA) Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor at a promotional event in Hyderabad, India, ahead of the release of their film, 'Anjaana Anjaani' this weekend (AP) Indian Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra attend the "GQ Men of the Year Awards 2010" in Mumbai ahead of the release of 'Anjaana Anjaani', the romantic film they star in together (AFP) Indian students take photographs of Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor, unseen, during a promotional event in Hyderabad, India. (AP) Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor promoting 'Anjaana Anjaani', a romantic film about two people who decide to commit suicide (AP) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest