Vivek Oberoi's wedding reception Indian Bollywood actress Divya Dutta and Dia Mirza attend newly wed Vivek Oberoi and Priyanka Alva's reception party in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood actor Suresh Oberoi (L), his son and Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi (2L) pose with recently married Priyanka Alva (2R) and Mrs. Oberoi at their reception party in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi recently married Priyanka Alva (L) and Suresh Oberoi (R) poses with his wife at their son's wed reception party in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood actresss Prachi Desai, Genelia D'Souza and Tabbu attend newly wed Vivek Oberoi and Priyanka Alva's reception party in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood actor Ritesh Deshmukh, director Ram Gopal Varma and Akshay Kumar pose during newly wed Vivek Oberoi and Priyanka Alva's reception party in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood actor Shatrughan Sinha, Fardeen Khan and Jackie Shroff attend newly wed Vivek Oberoi and Priyanka Alva's reception party in Mumbai. (AFP) Indian Bollywood actor Kabir Bedi (L) poses with Parveen and Sanjay Khan (R) poses with his wife at newly wed Vivek Oberoi and Priyanka Alva's reception party in Mumbai. (AFP) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest