World's deadliest animals CROCODILE: Be wary of where you sunbathe! This scaled creature could be lurking close by... (GETTY/GALLO) CAPE BUFFALO: You don't want to look a Cape Buffalo in the eye... these creatures charge head-on! And with two big, sharp horns and the weight of a small car, that's quite a dangerous position to be in. (GETTY/GALLO) POISON DART FROG: If a prince is what you're after, steer clear of these pint-sized frogs. (GETTY/GALLO) POLAR BEAR: These white balls of fluff might look cute and cuddly, but they can rip off your head with a single swipe of the paw if they want to. (AFP) ELEPHANTS: Their immense size and super-sharp tusks puts elephants in at number seven on the list of the world's most deadly animals - they stomp and kill about 500 people each year. (AFP) AFRICAN LIONS: Between razor-sharp claws, equally sharp teeth, and the ability to chase their prey at great speeds, this great beast is one of the world's best hunters. (GETTY/GALLO) GREAT WHITE SHARK: The fact this beast has some three thousand teeth should give you a clue as to his fearsomeness. While they usually feed on fish, seals and other sea animals, should a surfer find him/herself in the wrong place at the wrong time they might be mistaken for dinner. (GETTY/GALLO) AUSTRALIAN BOX JELLYFISH: This jellyfish has a venom that attacks a human's cardiac and nervous systems and if it stings you, you have virtually no chance of surviving unless treated straight away. (REUTERS) ASIAN COBRA: The Asian cobra will leave you paralysed with fear... literally. (GETTY/GALLO) MOSQUITO: You wouldn't think this tiny critter is a particularly deadly animal, but the mosquito is responsible for the deaths of more than two million people each year. (AFP) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest